Archive for June 2013
Everyone in school i bet wants to be in a school like Hogwarts where you can do whatever you want and use magic as a means of getting want we want( that sounds so wrong!). Imagine if there was really a Hogwarts School of Wizardry.. in Singapore, everyone would probably be rushing to get a scholarship lol.. but that sounds way too impossible! Anyways school holiday is ending soon and everyone should try to spend this last week to study or do what you wanna do! Images courtesy by well known Signing off..
Thick blanket of haze can be seen covering the horizon and the scene of clark quay.
Even LRT tracks are covered in thick smoke...
Yay! I've finally completed a miniature drawing of Ameyuri Ringo from the anime Naruto! At first I was very hesitant about copying a picture because I might not be able to draw it to the actual scale and perspection but instead I have managed to fill up at least 92% of the A4 size paper. And im also sorry for not updating my blog for like... months??.. and yup i'll start updating more frequently from now on!