Archive for March 2015
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Sup! So if any of you guys are actually reading this (or any previous post) I usually write about randome stuff.. Well not really random but yeah. Today This post is gonna be pictures only and pictures that I took when I have nothing better to do. So here it is!
I captioned this picture on tumblr as "Childhood" cuz who doesn't recognize childhood by looking at this pic?
Who needs love when you have a teddy? #foreveralone (by the way the words in that heart shape creeps me out abit).
Let me take a moment to interrupt this post by just admiring SooYoung! (Pic is not mine)
British biscuits!
Was playing around and came up with this! (Sorry for the hairy legs)
Cuz I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, and I just did!
When I posted this pic, it was Monday so I gave the caption "Monday have a IDGAF ice cream!"
(Hah.. I'm lame)
Last but not least, this pic. I have nothing to say about this pic. Just one sentence, you'll shit brix when you see it!
And that's all folks! Normal blogpost will be up once I'm free!
Thursday, 12 March 2015
My exam is finally over! Haha what a way to start this blogpost by reminding you of my exam which you probably do not give a damn about!
Anyways, I've had many (not really that much) people asking me why my blog does not have photoshopped pictures, clothings, fashionable poses, gaming guide etc etc and my answer to you is that I'm not those type of bloggers!
Firstly, let's talk about the photoshop. I use to photoshop my pics (for experiment that is) last time and that has no purpose in anything I do. I don't photoshop my pics anymore because I think it's just for girls who want to build their self confidence online. But still, nothing beats natural beauty! Was watching this Korean show by the way where people go for plastic surgery because they are not satisfied with the way they look. But anyways, that's their life and they should do whatever makes them happy without any judgement from others.
Next, the clothings/fashion stuff. First of all, this is a blog about what I want to write hmmm.. In other words, it's a blog about what I wanna say that I can't really say to anyone or I find it stupid to say to anyone. I'm not a fashion blogger and I do not post pics of clothings or sell clothings here so I think if you thought that my blog was a sort of clothes selling blog or a fashion blog im really sorry but this is not.
For why my blog has no fashionable modely type of pics, look on top of this post^^.
Now the part that I get a lot of questions. Why my blog does not have any gaming content? Well, previously when I just started, I did blog some stuff about gaming relatively like GTA 5 hacks and guide to do/activate some glitches and I think that post is still floating somewhere in my archives. I planned to start out doing a mix of gaming reviews like handheld games and console games and personal posts but sadly it didn't turn out well so, I just decided to post about gaming stuff on my other social media accounts.
So there you go guys all your questions has been answered! Till my next post! Peace!
Saturday, 7 March 2015
So, it's been a really long time since I last posted a blogpost and here it is. I have been wanting to post some interesting stuff but due to my schedule, I can't post for quite some time (sadly).
But nevertheless, here I am! And unfortunately, I forgot the interesting stuff I wanted to post about!
Nevermind about that. So.. This is my last week with the class cuz after this examination, we will be split apart into different classes like how Justin beiber and Selena Gomez broke up. Everyone is still concerned about their exams especially me and what's worst is that I still have four more chapters to go and sadly, only a few stuff managed to enter my brain.
The Maths exam however, was the most surprising one. I thought that it would be super hard that I'll be stuck at the first question and boom! When I flipped the paper, thank goodness it was an easy one! Even though the paper was already over, there's still one more and I needa give it my best to score and bring back my GPA to life.
Kinda having that sad feeling that school is ending. I usually like to say I hate studying but I'm gonna miss it for a while and gonna miss the rest of the class too next term. Hopefully some of us will still be in the same class!
By the way, I wanna give a shoutout to my tumblr dedicated to cats (Cuz I love cats #nojudge) it's SG Felines. Do follow my blog if you love cats!
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