Who knew that leading your own life would be this hard. So what is life? And the world? Its place where trust is just another thing that can be darkened by evil thought. A place where people always go against one another to survive this straggeringly pathetic life. Some may have the power to turn things around and make things easier than what it actually seem. While others are too corrupted that darkness starts to invade their mindsets. Where one ravage for perfection and to be on the top. Why cant all human race be more driven to do what is right rather than be a perfectionist? Why dont others see our capabilities, and that we are able to portray the true us without being blinded by rumours and hatred. We do know that it all starts at the beggining and it will eventually come to an end. So all i can say is that we should not live for hatred and perfection but instead, we should find our true self and be OURSELVES.