Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
So here we are.. The final post about 2014 before this year ends.
I'm very thankful to everyone whose been out there supporting me and accepting my annoying behavior and to those who were there when I was having a rough time. I've seen people go through rough times as well but everyone will try their very best to help the ones in need. There's one thing that we should not forget as we approach 2015 and that is to continue to be kind and helpful to one another.
Before the year ends, we should take time to pray for the victims of the "plane accidents" that happened this year. I give my condolences to those who lost their families onboard the planes MH730, the plane that was shot down and to QZ8501. Everyone should appreciate the days that we have with our families and to never ever leave them alone.
That's all of the stuff that I wanted to say before the year ends. I do not want to end this post on a sad note so I am wishing everyone a Happy New Year, and also a Happy Advanced Birthday! To me..
And I will pray for QZ8501 and its passengers.
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