Posted by : Unknown Saturday, 15 August 2015

Sometimes I turn on the computer and just wonder.. What has the world come into? 

So today I'm gonna be talking about a famous dissing that has been going around the web for the past two days (I guess). It's about Wendy Williams (who I just found out recently) body shaming Ariana Grande. Now many of you might think that I'm on Ari's side but no! I'm not taking a side, I'm just sticking to what is right.

For those of you who do not know what exactly happened, I suggest you search and watch it on YouTube and you'll understand. Wendy called out to Ariana saying that no matter what she does, she will still be seen as a 12 year old girl to her eyes (pardon me if it's wrong) and that she will not be seen as a woman. Now tell me how messed up that sentence is. Wendy Williams being a person who is against body shaming and bullying but still does this to others. *sigh*
She even made a statement on her show that bullying is wrong but then, what is all this stuff she's doing?

Some people say that she's just jealous cuz Ariana is prettier and younger than her and it just makes me "lol" so hard.

And kudos to Ariana for not fighting her back on this topic!

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