Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, 14 November 2015
Sorry if I have not been posting lately due to my busy schedule. It's just that you know, school is always taking up huge time in our daily lives.
Throughout the years, I have seen myself growing and maturing. I would usually sit and wonder why I did all those crazy stupid stuff in the past but that's now over and I don't wanna regret anymore because it's part of growing up. I've gotta say that I was super immature back then and that I never think twice before I do stuff and just go with it even though it is a bad one.
My attitude back then was so bad. Really really bad. But I think that I manage to behave myself and after countless times thinking about it, I was able to grow into a mature person. I am still in touch with old friends, friends that I have back stabbed (and feel sorry for) and they forgave me. And to those that I have said sorry to countless times but still can't accept it, i don't think I should say sorry anymore cuz past is past and we are all gonna become adult soon so I just wish u the best in all your future endeavors!
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