Posted by : Unknown
Saturday, 3 January 2015
It's been a long day for me today (in terms of slacking) and for those who ask, it's roughly past midnight now and I'm still writing this post. I'm not sure why this so called "strange" phenomena happens to me every night where I get sore eyes right before I sleep! Almost every night! Even now as I am writing this post I can't blink to many times in order to prevent my eyes from itching and trust me it's really very irritating.
In the afternoon, I was was supposed to do some homework but decided not too as I was too lazy, as usual. So what better thing to do than to go to Twitter and look at my timeline! For those who do not know, I have to constantly change my Twitter trend list to either worldwide trends, Philippines trends or USA trends because the ones I'm at is the Singapore trends and it's way filled with Korean trends almost every single day! It's like the whole trend list is filled with Kpop and almost not a single thing about Singapore! I'm not against that it's just that there should be some space for those who don't know what Kpop is or those who are not fans of Kpop and don't mistake me! I'm a big fan of Kpop especially Girls Generation and 2NE1.
Here is a double screenshot of Singapore Twitter trends taken from my phone and 1/2 of it is about stuff I don't know sadly.
With one more week left till school reopens, I'm really feeling super sick (as in homesick!) and I do not want to go to school but at the same time, I also want to go to school since it's so boring staying at home these past few days.
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